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Ruling Planet: Mars

Symbol: The Ram

Gender: Masculine

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal


Aries In General:

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The Ram is adventurous, impulsive, full of energy & ambition. Aries is associated with the start of the ancient roman year and the start of the spring. Aries is a masculine fire sign, which means that they move quickly when they want to. It is also a cardinal sign, which makes them hard to be easily influenced or pushed around. They are quick thinkers, intelligent, and have no patience for stupidity, or those who they consider slower than themselves. Aries are ambitious, courageous, and they are willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals.

Aries Man:

Aries ruling planet is Mars. Romans identified their god Mars with the Greek God of War which was Ares. An Aries man or boy is likely to be filled with aggressive behavior. Immature Aries may initiate fights with other males in effort to nourish his inner warrior drive which can be a weakness in Aries. Aries men are turned off by clingy women. They need a woman who is strong minded, Ambitious, and not easily influenced. They like women who play "hard to get" because Aries love a challenge. He moves through the world on his own terms and makes commitments that are adhered to. Aries men can have the athletic look, even if they have never visited a gym. One thing that I have personally noticed about the Aries man is that in front of a certain crowd, they sometimes can make things up about themselves to make them sound "cooler" than they truly are. What ever it is that they end up making up about themselves, they stick to that story and start to believe it in their own head. Even if it was 100% made up. They are very passionate. Sometimes being such a passionate person, can land them in a tangled web of lies that they tell about themselves to make them sound better than they truly are.

Aries Woman:

The Aries woman is typically confident, fiery, bold and independent. Very modern and self reliant. This isn't a woman who takes no for an answer, at least not for long. She can make a good living for her self, although she's not a very good saver. Sometimes she can go on what I would call a "lazy streak" and possibly call out of work for no reason what so ever. The Aries woman is very much in touch with her inner child, so she tends to be very fun loving and adventurous. On the negative side, she can become easily angered and distant if she doesn't get her own way. The Aries woman loves to make friends and family laugh, she can be full of funny little jokes. As for relationships, she's either totally into one, or not interested at all. Often their is no middle ground.  The Aries Woman's partner may not be able to easily keep up with the her. The Aries woman needs to learn how to be able to "Lose" when fighting with the one that they love. She can be confrontational and oblivious to the needs of those around her, and isn't very good at compromising. Aside from everything else, the Aries woman can make a very loving and devoted partner, as long as her need for independence, and having things HER OWN WAY, doesn't get in the way.

Aries Child:

Oh the Aries child! Has to be one of my personal favorites! Aries child is FULL of energy! Very independent and likes to do things on his/her own. Aries children love a competition, and they listen best when chores are turned into a competition, or a race of some sort. For example, if you want your Aries child to put his/her toys away; I would say "I bet Mommy/Daddy can put all your toys away faster than you can!" I can almost guarantee 99%, your Aries child will accept your challenge and beat you to it! Aries children are great talkers and usually walk and talk at a earlier age than most other signs. They love to ask a million questions out of curiosity. They simply just want to know WHY?! Aries children can have a fiery temper if they don't get their own way. That can easily be turned around with a quick bribe. They can be cry baby's or whiners. Be careful with too many sugary snacks/juice, as the Aries child is impulsive and wants what he/she wants when he/she wants it! Sometimes it can be hard not giving in to the Aries child, cause he/she can be very charming/irresistible. Always show the Aries child who is in charge of the situation, or else they can easily become the child that has control over a parent. Aries child likes big hugs and kisses and craves  affection from his/her family. They like to feel important. Most of all, they want to be heard!

Aries Physical Features:

. Big rounded face/head.

. Most have a high forehead.

. Prominent Eyebrows.

. Strong bone structure (cheek bone/Jaw line).

. Light/ Dark brown hair (fun fact- some Aries can have a Reddish Tint in hair/facial hair).

. Almond shaped eyes.

. Top or bottom lip sticks out (top lip usually has a heart shape).

. Tend to turn red when angered, embarrassed, or hot.

. Has great posture and always stands up straight

. Usually has fair/ light skin tone, or light brown.

. Triangle-ish shaped nose (females usually have small button nose, males can have a big triangle shaped nose).

. Aries often have a prominent mole somewhere on the face.

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