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Ruling Planet: Mercury

Symbol: The Virgin

Gender: Feminine

Element: Earth

Quality: Mutable

Rules: Nervous system

Virgo In General:

Virgos have a nervousness or shyness about them as they are ruled by the nervous system! You may find them saying sorry a lot over things that really don’t need an apology. Virgos get embarrassed very easily and if embarrassed they blush like no other. They tend to posses a quiet type of beauty. They think of themselves as more orderly and efficient than other people. They don’t like to be watched when doing ANYTHING. Again, this is due to the nervousness/insecurity that's found deep within them. They hate when people watch them eat, or when they are making food etc. A million things will be going through their head like why is she watching me cook? Am I doing this wrong? Then they will look at the instructions again and make sure they didn’t make any mistakes lol! Both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by mercury.. So what is the difference? First off, Virgo is an earth sign & Gemini is an air sign. Virgos tend to doubt themselves more and Gemini is more of a “go with the flow type” & not really care if anyone watches them mess up. Virgo on the other hand treads carefully. They are very critical of themselves as it is, and would hate to have someone else point out their flaws. They want whatever they do/say, to make complete sense.

Virgo Man:

The Virgo man is very self reliant and can come off at first as quite reserved or shy, but that’s just the very beginning. The Virgo man loves life just as much as anyone else does, he just has a different way of showing it. Some may find that it can be very hard trying to “crack“ the Virgo man, this is because he can be very slow at opening up. The real key to understanding the Virgo man is to understand that just because you are more open with your feelings or emotions, does not mean that his are not there. He just has a different way of expressing them. His feelings are very much there, but he wants to choose the right moment that he feels comfortable enough to express them! Virgo does want to express his emotions, but their is this slight uncomfortableness to it and to him that can be a very nerve wrecking experience. As I’ve stated before, Virgos can be very nervous people and they tend to worry a lot. So when it comes to a new person in their life that is trying to get comfortable, it takes time for them because they worry so much about what the other person thinks or how they will be viewed afterword's. For example, “well if I sit here and express how I feel to this person, what will they think of me”? or “what if I tell them I feel this way and they don’t accept it”? And this can often be one of the Virgo man‘s biggest struggles! These are the thoughts that literally go through this mans head! Virgo man truly do care, in fact they care a lot. Yet they feel that if they express their emotions too soon then it could be a trap or better yet they’re doomed! Moving on, The Virgo man‘s main desire is to be of service. He is very generous if you need support, advice or a real opinion. He loves to offer the wisdom of his own personal experiences. The Virgo man will never pretend to be anyone other than himself, and he will always treat people equally unless he is provoked. Virgo men are practical by nature. He will dissect each and every detail in any given situation. If there was a new research that just came out to the public, the Virgo man would add some more details to it. That's how detail-oriented he is. He doesn't believe everything that he sees, instead he only sees what he believes. In other words, he can be very narrow-minded. Once he's made his mind up about something/someone, it can be hard to get him to change his mind. He is also this way about his own self. If he has a positive outlook in his life right now, than he will be happy and cheery, but on the other hand if he has a negative outlook on his life right now, he will be shallow overly-critical of himself and others & he could very well be depressed. Other astrologers have given the Virgo man a reputation of being overly critical, but in my opinion, I genuinely think that the person he is most critical of is himself!  Virgo men are not the type to sit around and imagine how bright he believes his future could be; instead, he's willing to do all the dirty work that is necessary too achieve his goals, in a no-nonsense, more practical manner. Virgo men in my opinion are the most reliable men in the whole zodiac. If you need help, the Virgo man is the best person to ask, for they are forever present for their loved ones and friends. Virgo men are often admired by many  for their problem solving abilities and their willingness to help others out. At the end of the day Virgo men are very caring, understanding individuals. They would go to endless measures and do anything for the ones that they love. What is their not to love about that?

Virgo Woman:

The Virgo woman can be highly discriminating, very organized people, they are also highly self-critical. Virgo women can be very nervous/worrisome and quite sensitive, I would say the Virgo woman is the worrywart of the zodiac. They can be very supportive people for the ones they care about, and they don't give up very easily. She is going to be highly intelligent, and likes to have different conversations about many different subjects.  She having debates that get her brain juices flowing and likes a man that enjoys learning. Even better, someone who talks about or shows interest in the same things that interest her. If you can get a Virgo woman to change her viewpoint on something, you will get severe cool points. This is a woman who has a solid head in between her shoulders and does not have time for stupidity. So if you can show her that you care about what’s in her mind more than her looks, that would definitely be a plus in her book. She likes her man to be clean, tidy, and a man who is very well presentable. She can be a workaholic. Lets say she works in a hospital and the shift leader says she needs someone to cover for an overnight. The Virgo woman will be the first to offer herself to cover for her co-worker. She is a very responsible adult and takes her work life very seriously, but sometimes she can get so caught up in her work life that she temporarily forgets about the ones that need her most (her family). If you are trying to attract a Virgo woman, I would say to offer her help to clean and tidy up. Even if your sense of clean doesn’t match her sense of clean, if you genuinely offer to help her clean or tidy up, she would think of you’re gesture in the utmost positive way! (Even though she would probably much rather do it herself lol) but even if you still offer, just know she would appreciate it, it’s the thought that counts anyways. She appreciates a well put together look, and will definitely take notice if you take special care in your appearance. She also finds men that take special care of their health very attractive. BUT, on a side note... She can also fall victim to trying to “save” a man with a troubled past if she sees enough potential in him. All because of her need to ”fix” things to her idea of perfection. Basically long story short, with the Virgo woman actions speak louder than words. If you can show her that you take notice of the things that interest her or take notice of the little things that she does for you to show you that she cares, she will very much appreciate that. With that being said, the Virgo woman will show you that she loves you more than she will tell you! So if you‘re the type that needs to hear those three words all the time, I would go for a more airy sign like a Libra or Aquarius.

Virgo Child:

So imagine that you are standing at a school playground surrounded by a big group of children. The Virgo child is going to be the child that is standing by the teachers chatting away picking their brains. They also might be playing jump rope, showing the other kids the right way to use the jump rope. The Virgo child is the child that will go up to other kids saying “no no no no that's not how you swing! Your doing it all wrong!! This is how you do it, let me show you! They like to imitate the adults around them, and like to give orders to others. They can be quite bossy and try to order the other kids around. You can expect them to come home from school with stories and complaints about the other kids in their classroom. The Virgo child can be very shy and overly critical about their performance. The Leo child on the other hand is all about performance, but the Virgo the sign after Leo, questions it. They often can feel like what ever it is that they are working at, just isn’t perfect enough for them or just isn’t good enough in they‘re mind. As a parent of the Virgo child, be sure to teach them how to look at the good within themselves and within others as well. They may refuse to try something in fear of it not working out, it’s good to remind them that what really matters, is that they tried! The Virgo child can question your authority & will ask questions on the facts. So it is good to lay the rules down thoroughly and specifically to them, because they like to find loopholes in the rules. For example, if you ask your Virgo child to get their dirty clothes off the bathroom floor. They may just pick them up and throw them on the floor in they’re room. So then you go into their room later on and see that the clothes are on the floor, you ask “how come you didn’t put your clothes in the dirty clothes basket?” They will turn to you and say “but you only told me to take them out of the bathroom and that’s it”! This is what I mean by being specific lol. The Virgo child wants cleanliness and order. Even if they’re room is a mess in your eyes, its clean to them! Even if it really does look like a tornado hit it, at least they know where everything is at! That’s all that really matters, right?

Virgo Physical Features:

. High Forehead/ Pushed back Hair line

. Small Ears

. Has big (almond shaped)bright innocent eyes with a gentle but direct expression (big eyeballs)

. Can have a round belly (Virgo rules the stomach)

. Round fat fingertips

. Often has a oval shaped face (face is not full, but slim)

. Virgo women tend to have long legs

. skin is usually extremely sensitive (they usually have a set skincare routine)

. The top half of the head is usually better formed than the bottom half (top is larger due to their intellectual mind)
. features are usually quite small, regular but defined (like a feminine delicacy)

. Can have a dent in the middle of chin

. Feet are usually small and toes usually bend in ward toward eachother

. Virgo men usually start off with a head full of hair, but can lose it rather young

. Can have a straight long nose with a slight hook at the tip (like an upside down triangle)

. Big wide smile

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